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Frequently Asked Questions for FBA shipment

As a general rule, Amazon does not remove buyer feedback even if it is unwarranted or the issue has been resolved. But Amazon will remove feedback only in the following cases:

  1. The feedback includes words commonly understood to be obscene or profane.
  2. The feedback includes seller-specific, personally identifiable information, including e-mail addresses, full names, or telephone numbers.
  3. The entire feedback comment is a product review. For example:

The Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget.

However, if the feedback comment is only partly a product review but also contains feedback about the seller’s service, this feedback would not be removed. For example:

Seller’s shipping service was very slow, and the Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget.

  1. The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon FBA. Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon FBA will not be removed, but a line will appear through the rating with the following statement:

This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience.

Note: Customer contact information is provided to sellers only for the purpose of fulfilling an order. Any additional communications with buyers should be made via the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service. This ensures that email is filtered for spam and phishing attempts. Amazon will also maintain a copy of all correspondence for the protection of customers and sellers.

It’s strongly suggested that sellers work with buyers to resolve negative feedback. Buyers can update their feedback on a seller transaction at any time within 60 calendar days from the date they originally left the feedback. They can do this one time for every seller transaction.

If you believe that the feedback you received meets any of the criteria above for removal, you can use the Feedback Manager to request its removal.