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The modes of transportation are very important. There are many different modes of transportation in the industry. Here are some of the transportation modes which are important.

  1. Road transportation

First of all, it is a common mode. There are less limitations or restrictions related to geography. Road transportation is suitable for shipping the lighter weight products.

Benefits of road transportation

The goods can be loaded from the place and unloaded at the destination.

It can be applied to some areas which are comparatively not convenient for other types of transportation.

The route as well as time control can be altered to some extent if there are some unexpected situations.

The items could be loaded into a vehicle and then transported directly to the destination.

transportation modes



  1. Maritime transportation

It is suitable for heavier items as well as longer distances. The road transportation may be influenced by the weather condition while maritime transportation may slightly influenced by it to some extent. Maritime transportation is comparatively efficient for the reason that it can transport a plenty of goods.


Benefits of maritime transportation

Because there is more space comparatively, the large items can be transported by ocean transportation.

Because of lower emissions as well as less carbon footprint comparatively.

The goods can be transported when the size is comparatively large.



  1. Air transportation

The goods will be delivered very fast and efficient by this type of transportation. In addition, it can reach many areas in high speed to some extent.


Benefits of air transportation

When the situation is very urgent, transported by plane can be a suitable choice because of its high speed.


It is convenient to transport fragile as well as light weight goods.

The items can be transported to many places and it is not difficult to access comparatively.