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One stop shop for door to door cargo delivery services.

Learn about the services we can provide to meet all your Amazon FBA shipping needs.

Amazon FBA Got You Intimidated?

Learn how gain an advantage by shipping goods from China direct to Amazon FBA warehouses.

Beat the competition with products sourced from China

Want to know how to send products from China direct to Amazon FBA warehouses and beat the competition?

Frequently Asked Questions for FBA shipment

  1. Amazon Partnered Carrier program

Amazon-partnered carriers offer deeply discounted rates for shipping your inventory to Amazon. You can ship individual boxes.


  1. Customer service for FBA orders

Amazon provides customer service on your behalf when you sell products through FBA.


  1. Global selling

You can use FBA and the tools available in your seller account to expand your business globally.


  1. Multi-channel fulfillment

You can sell your inventory on your own website as well as other channels have orders from those channels fulfilled using your inventory stored in Amazon fulfillment centers.


  1. Automated Unfulfillable Removals

By enabling Automated Unfulfillable Removals, you are requesting to have eligible unfulfillable units in Amazon’s fulfillment Center automatically removed on the schedule you select.