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Frequently Asked Questions for FBA shipment

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According to Amazon's announcement, effective April 1, 2024, Amazon will charge a Low Inventory Level Fee for standard-sized items with inventory levels that are consistently lower than buyer demand (where inventory levels remain too low compared to sales over time).

Specifically, the Low Inventory Level Fee will only apply to items with long-term (past 90 days) historical days of availability and short-term (past 30 days) historical days of availability of less than 28 days.

Historical Days of Availability refers to a metric calculated by Amazon based on the average number of items in stock per day based on the long-term (last 90 days) and short-term (last 30 days) divided by the average number of items shipped per day:

Average Daily Number of Items in Stock = Sellable Inventory + Volume of Items Delivered from Warehouse + Reserved Inventory (excluding Unsellable Items).

See below for detailed rates:

Amazon FBA Low Inventory Level Fee 2024
Scratch that: sellers will be exempt from the Low Inventory Level Fee if they maintain inventory for more than four weeks based on item sales.

This fee won't apply to:

In other words, since April 1, 2024, Amazon sellers need to pay more attention to the inventory situation in the past three months and the past month, to avoid falling into a low inventory or even out-of-stock situation, being charged a low inventory level fee, pulling up the cost.